Vogue Caprice Lexicon

~ It's alright if you don't get it.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

How To Save A Life

Fray (adj) ; Fray Moments (n) ; as in Tres Fray (Very Fray) Situation : Preventable single events which result in lifelong regrets.

In movies or cartoons, whenever a key to a very secret or dangerous place is sealed in a very secure and indisputably inaccessible location signboarded with "DANGER", "KEEP OUT" and "NOBODY WHO VALUES HIS LIFE GOES THERE", we know for a fact that, in a following scene, the protagonist will undoubtedly break every seal and barrier - probably the very instruments he meticulously planted in the first place - to get at what he hoped would never see the light of day again. 

Welcome back to Earth, dear Blog. I wouldn't go so far as to say that you have been sorely missed, but in times of duress, you do come in handy. Now wipe that smirk off your digital face.

There're many things we keep chained and tethered, often for our own safety, sanity and sanctity, and that of others. As often, we are merely overcompensating for our paranoia. Paradoxically, suppression can only amplify what we choose to hide. The word "pent" comes from "pen", an enclosure for the keeping of livestock, sometimes used as the jargon for a submarine dock. Yet we almost never use it in its true unadulterated meaning. Consider "pent up". Literally, it simply refers to the act of keeping any object or animal in a pen - but mention the phrase and "pent up frustration", "pent up emotions", "pent up rage" are the first idioms to spill out (pardon the pun). I'd venture to suggest that the act of penting already predisposes a future inclination for release.

Like hearts, seafaring vessels and farmhouse animals (okay, I'm pushing it with this one), blogs are made to be penned. not pent. Pity I only realise it now. 

I hope you're still reading.


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