Vogue Caprice Lexicon

~ It's alright if you don't get it.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Personae Morbid

I’m leaving. This tiresome world holds nothing for me… I’ve tried! – honestly I have! – but all I find is emptiness and a hollow existence. I marvel at how you can laugh and revel regardless – but to each his (or her) own; who am I to judge? You will find one day, and I hope that day never comes for you, friend, that we live in a hole devoid of purpose and meaning. All is illusion and anything that makes you think otherwise is delusion. The unknown on the other side will be preferable to the tormented life I am putting up with for these final minutes.

You will probably never venture to read this, except if ever chance made you stumble upon it. I’m sorry we didn’t work out. It’s not your fault I’m just so ineffectual and impassive, so I understand if you will never like to see me again. I grant you that wish now. Have a good one.

I am ashamed to have to reveal such a point of weakness in a man to you who is my best friend. I can only hope for this to not affect your perspective on life too drastically, though knowing you, it can’t be avoided that the shadow cast by my demise will cause you to ponder on the ennui of it all. I can only say, in my defense, that there are reasons – some of which you are acquainted with – for my current actions. So please, forgive and fault me not in this decision, and never stray from this path that you have taken and never reflect on my ill rationalizations. Live the life I never managed to.

It’s been a while since our last little reunion, and I still reel from the changes I see in you. We are alike in so many ways that I would venture to suggest, if I should dare, that we lead mirror lives from a thousand miles away. For that, I fervently pray that you will never have to face this crevasse that I look upon now. Life has dealt me a bad hand. It is a maze and there’re bound to be us who run headlong into a cul-de-sac. I am too far lost now.

The above is an elementary practise in writing a death note, the verity of which I will not reveal, but you can guess - because I am still alive and kicking. I've never tried putting myself in the shoes of someone on the brink of death, and it fascinates me to be so unrestricted and uncensored, even if it is for a brief moment before the candle is snuffed. It's not a masterpiece, and there're many things I need to figure out. There seems to be a gap between being utterly jaded with life and contemplating suicide which remains to be deciphered.

And erm, for all those who care, I'm really not suicidal, yet.

Bored to death, anyone?


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