Vogue Caprice Lexicon

~ It's alright if you don't get it.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Cadets are not allowed to blog about the SAF.

Today's word of the day - Bookinertia (bou-k-inn-erh-sheer) : the forlorn-ness and destitution one gets immediately before, right upon or just after booking into camp, caused by an unwillingness to re-immerse oneself into camp life. It is characterized by a sharp downturn of the shape of the lips, forming a :-( instead of a :-), dreary moods and possible hysteria in severe cases. Bookinertia currently has no cure.

CDS duty today and met Dev who's on guard duty. He gave me a pineapple tart. Three weeks in this strange new place. It's good to see the occasional familiar faces like dev, khairi, ben, yuen loong and other various similarly mistreated cadets. We are all we have.

There's social night coming up, and I need a (currently-nonexistent-and-not-about-to-magically-materialize) date. I know I should try my best to OOC before the day comes, 'cos the shame will probably kill me anyhows. Better start getting a life outside of NS.

It's when you book out for one meagre day after three weeks of confinement that you begin to treasure your possessions. By that I mean not only your own bed and laptop installed with Warcraft III but also your freedom, friends and ( non-sequitur, I know) personality.

I feel like I haven't been myself for a while. It's hard to explain, and words fail me for once (nah I'm just lazy to pen it down).

Four more days to bookout. There's something I've been wanting to do for a very long time but haven't had the time, courage or opportunity to.


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